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Girl Struggling With Anxiety Surprised With Puppy On Birthday

A birthday girl who has been struggling with anxiety couldn’t hold back her happy tears when her family revealed she was set to get a little puppy she has always dreamed of.

Doggy Daycare Uses School Bus To Fetch Clients

A doggy daycare in Texas has gone viral after its owner started sharing videos of how excitable pooches are to take a school bus to and from his center. 

Woman Rescues Dog Injured By Car And Nurses Her Back To Health With Help...

A woman who rescued a dog badly injured after being hit by a car in Mexico has helped turn her life around with the aid of a doggy wheelchair

Woman Rappels Into Waterway To Rescue Stranded Fawn

An animal rescuer has gone viral after she rappelled into a drain culvert to rescue an exhausted trapped fawn. In the wholesome video, the fawn is initially seen trapped in the culvert, with its legs spread as it lies in the shallow water, unable to escape.

Retiring Therapy Dog Given Adorable Guard Of Honor By Hospital Staff

A beloved therapy dog was given an emotional sendoff by hospital staff and patients who lined the corridors to give her a guard of honor on her final day.

Deaf And Blind Dog Instantly Recognizes Returning Grandpa After Year Apart Due To COVID

A deaf and blind dog suddenly burst into life when she caught the scent of her owner's physician father, who she had not had contact with for more than a year because of the pandemic.
puppy reunion

Man Cannot Hide His Delight as He’s Reunited With His Beloved Puppy That Went...

A man could not hide his sense of relief as he turned around to see an adorable face staring back at him that he thought he would never see again. The family's new Bernese puppy had run off while in the backyard. And despite a frantic search of the neighborhood, the family could not trace the little pup. but then they received some surprise news.
Baby elephant experiences snow

Baby Elephant Enjoys Snow For First Time

An adorable baby elephant could not hide her delight (and surprise) when she got to experience snowfall for the first time recently. Penzi, a nearly-nine-month-old calf who was born on April 6, 2020, was more than happy to roll around in the snow and slush as it formed on the ground at Reid Park Zoo, in Tucson, Arizona.
Excitable dog awaits her friend

Excitable Dog Is Unable To Contain Excitement As Elevator Arrives With Her “Best Friend”...

A dog’s adorable weekly routine with her human “best friend” has gone viral thanks to a video of her unable to contain her excitement as she waits for the elevator to arrive.

Viral Video Sees Crafty Fox Steal Woman’s iPhone While She’s Filming Her Yoga Routine

A video of a crafty fox has gone viral after he snuck up on a woman who was filming her yoga routine and ran off with her iPhone.
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