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Surrogate Mom Reunites With Baby She Carried for Cancer Survivor

A woman who beat cancer and was given a chance at motherhood thanks to the help of a surrogate has shared the beautiful moment her son reunited with the woman who carried him.

First-Time Grandma Meets Grandchild She Didn’t Know Had Been Born

A first-time grandma immediately sobbed tears of joy and started shaking with excitement when she arrived at the hospital and was surprised that her grandchild she didn’t know had been born yet.

Girl, 5, Who Thought She Was Meeting Newborn Sister Surprised With Her New Twin...

A five-year-old who thought she was meeting her newborn sister for the first time couldn’t hide her shock when she discovered TWINS.

Ultrasound Student Gets Surprise Pregnancy News Scanning Sister

An ultrasound student who offered to scan her sister while she was in school was surprised when she discovered her sibling was pregnant.

96-Year-Old Great Grandpa Discovers Newborn Named to Honor Him

A 96-year-old grandpa wiped away tears of pride when he held his granddaughter's newborn baby for the first time and was surprised to find out the youngster had been named after him.

Dog Thinks He is Protecting Baby by Trying to Stop Mom From Burping Him...

A loving dog has shown her protective side by trying to stop her owner from burping her baby as she thinks it might be hurting him.

Rescue Cat Whose Kittens Died Finds “Rainbow Baby” in Adopted Family’s Toddler

A cat put on the euthanasia list when she became aggressive after the passing of her kittens has found comfort in her human "rainbow baby" after being adopted by a kindhearted family.

Grandpa-to-be Fights Back Tears When He Sees Name Blankets in Nursery and Realizes One...

A proud grandpa-to-be fought back tears of joy when he saw his twin grandbaby’s name blankets and discovered one of them was named after him.

Construction Worker Fights Tears When Fiancée Hands Him Positive Pregnancy Test After Eight Years...

A construction worker giving his fiancée a safety lecture fought back tears when she interrupted him with news she was pregnant.

Family Members’ Jaws Drop in Shock When Cocktail-making Gender Reveal Produces Both Blue and...

A family's jaws dropped in shock when a cocktail-making gender reveal produced a blue and a pink drink, breaking the news that a couple was expecting twins.
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