Good NewsParentingConstruction Worker Fights Tears When Fiancée Hands Him Positive Pregnancy Test After...

Construction Worker Fights Tears When Fiancée Hands Him Positive Pregnancy Test After Eight Years of Trying During Site Safety Lecture

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A construction worker warning his fiancée to wear a hard hat on the job site fought back tears as his pregnant partner interrupted his safety briefing with the emotional news she was pregnant after eight years of trying.


Dale Qualls and Megan Wilson, from Punta Gorda, Florida, both have daughters from previous relationships, but for nearly a decade, they have been trying for a child of their own.

But on April 17, having taken a test at home, Megan discovered the news she and Dale had dreamed of, so she headed to tell her fiancé the news at work on the construction site.

After she arrived, she excitedly stepped out of her car only to be yelled out by site safety staff, so she got back in and then, with her camera rolling, opened the door to Dale.

Without knowing the surprise, he immediately warned Megan they could get in trouble with the safety office on the site, as she did not have the necessary protection, so shouldn’t leave the vehicle.

But then Megan handed him an envelope, as he had been waiting for something to arrive in the mail.


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When the construction worker opened it, he immediately saw Megan’s positive pregnancy test, which saw a wave of shock fall over his face.

A stunned Dale then threw his hard hat off and kissed his fiancée before breaking into tears.

Megan later shared the video online, where it went viral, with viewers finding the couple’s interaction both beautiful and hilarious thanks to Dale’s safety consciousness.


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Megan, whose baby is due in December 2024, said: “I was so happy to see how emotional he got, I knew we both wanted this so badly, and we really didn’t think it would ever happen.

“Everyone in our families is extremely excited for us.

“My message to others would be never to give up; it’s an emotional rollercoaster trying to get pregnant, so try not to beat yourself up – keep looking at new things you think could possibly help.

“Don’t ever give up and just know you are not the only one.”


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