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Veteran Grandpa Battling Illness Insists on Standing to Welcome Navy Grandson Home

A grandfather battling cancer defies his illness, mustering the strength to stand and embrace his Navy grandson returning home from deployment.

Sisters Think They’re Part of Military Presentation at School, Only to Be Surprised With...

A pair of siblings were given two beautiful surprises at school when their soldier dad returned home from deployment after nearly a year overseas.
Deacon rushes to hug his dad.

Boy Completes Obstacle Course, Finds Military Bonus Dad Home After 10 Months

After completing an inflatable obstacle course, a 10-year-old boy was surprised to find his military bonus dad waiting for him at the end. Deacon Truax, had not seen his dad, Anthony Almazan, in almost a year.

8-Year-Old Girl’s Jaw Drops When Navy Brother Surprises Her in School

Eight-year-old Layla Wisbracht's jaw dropped when her Navy brother, Brayden Quinlisk, walked into her school classroom after six months apart. Brayden had been away at bootcamp and school, and Layla had been counting down the days until he returned. When he finally surprised her, she ran to give him a big hug.

Military Son Surprises Dad at Work After Long Deployment

A nurse dad was surprised by his military son at work after nine months apart. The emotional reunion was caught on camera and has since gone viral. The video shows the father struggling to hold back tears as he hugs his son tightly.

Teen Jumps Straight Into Older Sister’s Arms When She Returns Home From Navy to...

A teen headed out of school and jumped straight into the arms of her big sister who had been away for a year with the United States Navy.

Toddler Runs for First Time as She Darts Across Daycare and Into Military Dad’s...

A two-year-old girl picked the perfect time to run for the first time as her military father entered her daycare to surprise her after being stationed overseas for six months.

Navy Dad Reunites With Daughter After First Time Apart While He Was in Navy...

A three-year-old girl who had never been apart from her father before couldn’t hide her excitement when he returned from Navy basic training and A School after three months to surprise her.

Mom Opens Box on Driveway to Discover Military Son Holding Flowers

A shocked mom thought she was opening a box containing a new lawnmower – only to be surprised by her military son.

Soldier Poses As Patient In Dentist Chair To Surprise Wife After Returning From Deployment

A dental worker let out a huge scream before falling to her knees in joyous tears, as she approached a chair in her practice to discover her military husband, who had been serving overseas for the past 10 months.
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