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Stepdad Jigs With Joy When Stepdaughter Takes His Name During Graduation

A beloved stepdad burst into a joyous jig when his stepdaughter surprised him by taking his name when walking across the stage at her high school graduation. 

Husband Who Had Modest Wedding 11 Years Ago Surprises Wife With Upgraded Ring

A beloved wife cried with pride when her husband of 11 years got down on one knee and proposed to her with an upgraded version of her wedding ring.

Dad Gets Surprised With Truck by Daughter After Putting Kids First

A hard-working immigrant father who drove a banged-up old car without a roof was surprised with the truck by his daughter.

Ultrasound Student Gets Surprise Pregnancy News Scanning Sister

An ultrasound student who offered to scan her sister while she was in school was surprised when she discovered her sibling was pregnant.

Dog Who Spent First Seven Years of Life in Apartment Does Happy Zoomies When...

A tiny dog who spent the first seven years of his life living in a one-bedroom apartment couldn't contain his excitement when his owners surprised him with his first-ever backyard. 

Professional Dog Trainer Proposes by Hiding Ring Inside Modified Dog Toy With Help From...

A professional dog trainer proposed to his high school sweetheart with help from his pooch after hiding the ring inside a modified tennis ball.

Determined Immigrant Dad Surprises Wife With Tesla on 43rd Anniversary

A hard-working immigrant dad who arrived in the U.S. with just $100 surprised his wife with a Tesla on their 43rd wedding anniversary.

Dad Finally Reunites With 3 of His Kids He Hadn’t Seen in Over a...

This is the emotional moment a father is finally reunited with three of his children after being separated for more than a year. 

Woman Cries When She’s Surprised With Build-a-Bear Containing Voice of Dad Who Passed Away

A woman was surprised on her birthday with a cuddly toy bear containing a message to remind her of her late father.

Passerby Captures Clever Dog Owner Using Drone to Exercise Their Delighted Pooch

An impressed passerby was amazed by a dog owner's ingenious way of exercising their pooch by operating a drone the dog could chase.
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