Good NewsParentingFirst-Time Grandma Meets Grandchild She Didn't Know Had Been Born

First-Time Grandma Meets Grandchild She Didn’t Know Had Been Born

Exclusive to Happily

A first-time grandma immediately sobbed tears of joy and started shaking with excitement when she arrived at the hospital and was surprised that her grandchild she didn’t know had been born yet.


When Ako, 27, and wife Jeny’s baby was born two weeks earlier than their due date, the couple made the decision to surprise their parents with the new arrival.

As the perfect foil for the surprise, Ako told mom Lhorie, 46, that Jeny, 27, was in labor and still getting an epidural.

Lhorie headed to the hospital immediately, but as she walked into Jeny’s room on May 3, she was met with a beautiful surprise.

As soon as the 46-year-old laid eyes on her grandson, Drei David Nolledo, on the other side of the room, she immediately burst into tears.

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As Ako captured the moment on video, on May 3, at Credit Valley Hospital in Ontario, Canada, his mom stopped in shock, shaking from the excitement and emotion of the gesture.

He said: “I was excited for her to finally meet him because this is her first grandkid, and when I saw my mom, I was a bit emotional and happy at the same time.

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“Friends and family were surprised too, as everything came unexpectedly.


“When they saw the video, most of them became emotional as well.”

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