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The latest awesome adoption stories from families across America and beyond.

Mom Who Suffered Kidney Failure at First Son’s Birth Has Emotional First Meeting With...

A mom who turned to adoption after going into kidney failure during her first childbirth has shared the moment she was met her newborn adopted son.

Woman Shares Emotional First Hug With Biological Mom She Never Knew She Had

A woman who never knew she was adopted has shared the emotional moment she and her biological mom were able to meet for the very first time.

Shocked Grandma Surprised With ‘Christmas Miracle’ Newborn Who Daughter Waited Four Years To Adopt

A grandma jumped in shock when she walked into her home and was surprised by her daughter holding a “Christmas miracle” newborn baby who she had waited almost four years to adopt. 

DNA Discovery Leads to Heartwarming Reunion as Adopted Woman Finds Birth Mom After 35...

A woman adopted from El Salvador to the United States as a baby shared a tearful hug with her biological mother when she finally managed to track her down 35 years later.

Woman Stunned When She Opens Card Which Reveals Daughter is Adopting and She’s Going...

A mom receiving gifts to celebrate her first day in a new job jumped in the air, screaming in shock when she realized one revealed her daughter had been given a court date to adopt her foster child so she’d be a grandma for the first time.

Stepdad Can’t Fight Back Tears When Stepdaughter Holds Up Sign Asking Him to Adopt...

A stepdad couldn’t fight back his tears when his stepdaughter held up a sign asking if he would become her “dad forever” and adopt her at his wedding to her mom.  For...

Stepdad Jigs With Joy When Stepdaughter Takes His Name During Graduation

A beloved stepdad burst into a joyous jig when his stepdaughter surprised him by taking his name when walking across the stage at her high school graduation. 

Boy Leaps With Delight When Cake Reveals He Is Finally Getting Adopted Officially

A boy from the Philippines jumped with joy when his new U.S. family surprised him with cake revealing he was being adopted.

Proud Stepson Gives Affirmative ‘Yes’ When Judge Asks if He Would Like to Be...

A mom shared the wholesome moment her proud son gave an affirmative "Yes" when a judge asked him if he would like to be adopted by them.

Girl, 4, Jumps With Joy When Classmates Surprise Her at Her Adoption Ceremony

A four-year-old girl jumped for joy when her supportive classmates turned up at her adoption day to surprise her as she left the courtroom.
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