Home Good News Inspirational


The latest inspirational stories from across America and beyond.

Good Samaritans Rescue Woman Trapped Under Car

A group of strangers joined forces with police officers to rescue an elderly woman pinned beneath her car in a freak accident.

The Right to be Forgotten: Newspapers Offer a Clean Slate to Former Offenders

A handful of newsrooms across the US are helping people move on from their past mistakes by giving them the right to be forgotten.

97-Year-Old Former Cheerleader Reunites And Performs With Current Squad

A 97-year-old woman relived her cheerleading glory days after the current squad visited her care home.

Good Samaritans Tackle River and Mountain to Deliver Generator to Elderly Lady Trapped Without...

A group of good Samaritans came to the rescue of a trapped elderly lady, delivering a much-needed generator after Hurricane Helene left her without power.

GALLERY: Grandpa With Dementia Goes Viral When Granddaughter Shares His Amazing Unseen Photos Taken...

A beloved grandpa who spent his adult life traveling the world, taking amazing amateur photographs of animals and landscapes along the way, is finally getting the recognition he deserves, thanks to the help of his granddaughter.

Dog Deemed ‘Too Friendly’ for Police Work Finds His Calling As Heroic Search And...

A dog fired from the narcotics squad at a young age for being “too friendly," has since become a celebrated search and rescue dog.

Determined Immigrant Dad Surprises Wife With Tesla on 43rd Anniversary

A hard-working immigrant dad who arrived in the U.S. with just $100 surprised his wife with a Tesla on their 43rd wedding anniversary.

Determined Girl Who Has Down Syndrome Jumps With Joy After Scoring First Ever Basketball...

A determined girl with Down Syndrome and her proud parents jump with joy after repeatedly shooting without giving up until she makes her first-ever basketball shot.

Teen With Cerebral Palsy Scores Basket on Senior Night

A teen with cerebral palsy got called onto the court on senior night to sink a basket - drawing a massive roar from the crowd.

Woman Loses 190 Pounds After Realizing She Couldn’t Get on the Floor to Play...

A woman who committed to losing weight after not being able to get down on the floor to play with her toddler nephew has now lost a staggering 190 pounds.
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