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Wholesome Dad Goes Undercover to Find Perfect Proposal Spot for Son-in-law Capturing Series of Hilarious Snaps Down on One Knee in Scenic Locations

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A wholesome father-in-law has gone undercover to discover the perfect proposal spot for his son-in-law capturing a compilation of hilarious snaps in scenic locations.

Everyone in 24-year-old Alia Brown’s family loves her boyfriend, Nolan Thompson, and so when Nolan revealed he was planning to pop the question, Alia’s dad, Dave, was more than willing to help.


Nolan had selected a spot that was very special to the family, as they regularly travel to a chalet in Collingwood, Canada, where Alia and Nolan share many memories of skiing, hiking and swimming.

So, when Nolan, 25, heard Alia’s parents were heading to the chalet recently, he asked Dave, 65, if he could check out a few potential proposal spots.

The intel Nolen was sent, though, far exceeded his expectations.

In a series of funny images taken by Dave’s wife Irene, Dave had taken the task very seriously, getting down on one knee in front of trees and a beach, on grass, benches and near the sand.


READ MORE: Wholesome Dad Blocks Passersby For Daughter’s Proposal

Alia’s sister, Julia, 28, from Ontario, Canada, shared the images on social media, where the post quickly went viral.

Keen viewers applauded Dave’s poses, selection of beautiful backgrounds and, most importantly, his commitment to the cause.

After choosing one of Dave’s suggestions, Nolan then proposed to Alia in that spot on May 4 – his father-in-law’s 65th birthday.


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Julia said: “My parents, out of the blue, decided to take the task very seriously and pose in a proposal position in each spot.

“This is something very typical of my dad, as he is a super funny guy.

“He is a girl dad – I am from a family of three girls.

“My mom sent the pictures to me before sending them to Nolan, and I knew immediately he would laugh so hard.


READ MORE: New Mom Discovers Proposal Request on Newborns Babygrow

“The effort, the smiles at each spot; it was just so precious and cute of my dad.

“I sent them to Nolan and he thought they were hilarious.

“He also must have thought they were great, as he ended up picking one of the spots at the beach.

“I hope people smile when they see the video and learn to not take life so seriously, just like my dad, the happiest guy ever.”


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