Good NewsMilitarySoldier Husband Walks Through Front Door to Discover Wife Is Pregnant After...

Soldier Husband Walks Through Front Door to Discover Wife Is Pregnant After Six Years of Trying

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A U.S. Army sergeant couldn’t believe his eyes when he walked through his front door to discover his wife holding a sign revealing she is pregnant after six years of trying.


Alan Pipkin and wife Haley, from Savannah, Georgia, had spent more than half a decade trying for a baby, but to no avail.

According to Haley, complications included a thyroid issue for Haley; five unsuccessful rounds of IUI; COVID delaying procedures; and Alan having to have an operation to help improve their chances.

When those steps still failed to work, a doctor recommended a procedure to Haley called “super ovulation,” which required 12 shots in the stomach over 12 days, as well as two inter-muscular shots.

The shots in the stomach were to help develop eggs, Haley said, and the two inter-muscular shots were to insure ovulation.


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When the couple took their next pregnancy test, though, the results were negative – a reading that crushed Haley and brought her to tears.

Two days later she planned to speak to her doctor about blood work, only to discover she was, in fact, pregnant.

Having received the results, Haley took another at-home pregnancy test so that it read positive, and swiftly made a sign reading “You are going to be a Daddy” for the February 13 reveal with Alan.


As soon as he walked through the door and read the sign, his face turned to complete shock, asking if Haley was telling the truth.

The moment was captured on video by Haley, who hopes that sharing her journey will encourage others who are in similar, difficult situations when trying to conceive.

She said: “What was happening before the video was me freaking out running back and forth checking the window to see if he was home yet trying to find the best place to set the camera up.

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“I was so nervous and anxious waiting for him to walk through the door and once he did, he was in complete shock after hearing me tell him we wouldn’t have the results back until the next day.


“I couldn’t hold in the tears and started crying when he asked, ‘Are you serious?’ for the first time.

“Seeing his reaction made my heart melt, in the best possible way.

“It was everything I wanted it to be, I got to see the pain of almost six years of ‘Nos’ leave his eyes.

“It was just one of the best feelings I’ve ever had.

Haley, who is due October 21, was overwhelmed by the positive messages she has received since sharing the video online.


She added: “I hope people who see our story know that it’s not too late.

“The fact that I’m giving so many couples hope, brings me so much joy and happiness, it’s all I ever wanted – that’s why I posted the video, to give people hope.

“I can’t tell you how many times we gave up but kept trying. It was very worth it.”


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