A 12-year-old girl stepped up to the altar at her mom’s wedding to read out the exact number of days she felt like her stepdad had felt like her own father before surprising him with an adoption request.
Aryanna Kershner sobbed with emotion as she explained that she had “waited 2555 days for this moment,” to ask Frank Tyson, 40, to make his fatherhood official.
According to Aryanna’s mom, Tia, 33, everyone present knew that the request was coming – except for Frank – and it was a running joke that Aryanna might get Frank’s second name before her mom.
READ MORE: Man Surprises Stepchildren With Adoption Request At Wedding
As Aryanna read through the request, Frank, suddenly realizing what was about to happen, wept uncontrollably at the thoughtfulness of the gesture.
The wholesome moment took place on June 12, 2021, at Acorn Farms in Mount Joy, Pennsylvania, but it did not come to light until the couple’s wedding videographers, Duke Films, shared a short clip of the ceremony on social media on January 25, 2022.
All required parties gave them blessing for the adoption and Frank and Tia are currently in the process of making it official, with all the paperwork signed so they’re just waiting on a court date.

Speaking of the moment going viral, Frank admitted he gets very emotional when he sees the reaction it has received.
He said: “The moment she stepped up to talk, I knew then what was about to happen.
“The only word I could get out was, ‘Yeah,’ as I was so overwhelmed with emotion.
“I want people to see the video and know hope is never lost – there’s good in the world, and this is what life is all about.”
Story via T&T Creative Media