Good NewsParentingUltrasound Student Gets Surprise Pregnancy News Scanning Sister

Ultrasound Student Gets Surprise Pregnancy News Scanning Sister

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An ultrasound student who offered to scan her sister while she was in school was surprised when she discovered her sibling was pregnant.


Unsuspecting Rachel Rodriguez, a San Joaquin Valley College student in Bakersfield, California, had no reason to suspect sister Crystal Vang was pregnant, as her sibling had asked her to perform a scan for a completely different reason.

Crystal had explained to her sister she’d been experiencing painful menstrual cycles, and so Rachel offered to check her out to rule out the likes of cysts or fibroids.

Secretly, though, Crystal had a big surprise waiting for Rachel, as a few weeks before she was due to be scanned, a pregnancy test revealed she was set to have a baby.

Having sat down in the room with her sibling, Crystal went through the motions, explaining to her sister what her pains had involved before opting for a simple abdominal scan.

With a family member secretly recording – and college staff working on the other side of the curtain – Crystal watched on as Rachel scanned her belly.


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Then, when the moment of realization hit, Rachel could not help but smile, looking closer and closer at the screen to make sure what she was seeing was her new niece or nephew.

When Crystal confirmed that she was pregnant, the pair burst into hysterical laughter.

She later gave birth to a boy named Beau (Bo).


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Crystal said: “I thought it was the funniest thing ever, seeing the shock on her face – she looked like a deer in the headlights for a split second.

“Unfortunately, I had to contain myself because we were in a classroom setting, and her teacher was also present, working at her desk.

“We had a corner to the room with a curtain separating us, so we had to keep quiet as much as possible.

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“I’ve shared the video with family and friends, and they all loved it.

“They all said it’s the best pregnancy announcement ever.

“Everyone loved my sister’s initial reaction. She sat there stunned and in disbelief.”

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