Good NewsFamilySurprise Server Melts Grandma's Heart After 11 Years Apart

Surprise Server Melts Grandma’s Heart After 11 Years Apart

Exclusive to Happily

A grandchild brought their grandma to happy tears when they disguised themselves as a server and surprised her after 11 years apart.

As soon as 86-year-old Pauline clicked, it was her grandchild Alyson, 20, setting down the food in front of her, she immediately began to bawl with delight.


The moment took place at Pauline’s favorite restaurant in Ohio, with Alyson planning the surprise visit and not telling anyone other than their aunt.

The 20-year-old hadn’t seen their grandmother in more than a decade, currently living in California, thousands of miles away from Pauline’s home.

The cost of travel and COVID precautions made a visit tough, Alyson said, as a 2020 visit trip for their graduation was put on hold because of the pandemic.

After Pauline’s husband passed away in 2021, Alyson decided she would do everything possible to visit their grandmother once more.


That moment took place on August 14, with Alyson’s aunt sneaking them into the restaurant and a waitress and family friend then helping them hide from Pauline.

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Once the family was seated, Alyson snuck out and grabbed a basket of rolls, which they then placed in front of Pauline.

Despite not seeing her grandchild for so long, Pauline didn’t miss a beat, immediately recognizing the face looking back at her.


Speaking of the moment, Alyson said: “I was honestly kind of nervous about how quickly she would recognize me because it’s been so long since I’ve seen her.

“I’ve changed so much these last few years, but she barely missed a beat as soon as she laid eyes on me.

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“I cried, she cried – honestly, everyone at the table had a tear or two – but overall, it was just so good to finally give her a real hug again.

“I still think about it every day and hope to make it back there again soon.


“If you have the opportunity to do something, see someone, reunite with those you’ve lost touch with, do it.

“I know it’s been hard these last couple years, but you’ll never know what tomorrow will bring if you don’t take the step today to make things happen, or at least work towards it.”

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