A daughter surprised her mom with a one-of-a-kind pregnancy reveal by wearing the exact same style of sloganed sweatshirt her mom wore when she was pregnant with her.
Mayzie Cremer’s unique surprise took place at her family home in Johntown, Texas, where she walked in and presented her mom, Kristi Purviance, 51, with a bag containing a sweatshirt.
The sweatshirt Kristi opened had a slogan on it – “My daughter is” – and Mayzie, 26, then revealed the slogan emblazoned across the sweatshirt she was wearing: “KNOCKED UP AND PROUD”.
As soon as Kristi saw the garment, everything clicked and her jaw dropped, while, around the room, family members screamed and jumped for joy.
The slogan on Mayzie’s sweatshirt held a special meaning – when Kristi was pregnant with Mayzie, her husband surprised her with a sweatshirt for Christmas of 1996, which read, “Knocked up and proud.”
Mayzie said that sweatshirt had gone down in family folklore, featuring in a number of old photographs.
And so, when Mayzie and her husband, Lane, discovered she was pregnant on December 27, 2022, they thought such a sweatshirt would be the perfect way to announce their new arrival to Mayzie’s family.
Mayzie purchased a replica of her mom’s original sweatshirt and then planned the surprise for January 12, 2023, asking a friend to record the moment, which Mayzie later sharing it on social media.

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Mayzie, who’s baby is due on September 6, 2023, said: “It’s a look I’ll never forget – my mom is pretty much the ultimate cool-mom and she loves kids; she’s been an elementary school teacher for 29 years.
“Many of her friends have grandkids and she’s very close to my best friend’s sons, so she was more than ready for me to bring a little one into the family.
“I think her reaction shows just how happy she is to have a grandson or granddaughter to love.
“All the screaming and jumping up and down made Lane and I even more excited for something so fragile, in a way it made it more real.”