Good NewsGreat-Great-Grandmother Surprised On 96th Birthday With First Visit From Family's Latest Newborn

Great-Great-Grandmother Surprised On 96th Birthday With First Visit From Family’s Latest Newborn

Ollie Mae had not been able to meet Beckett in person due to shielding during the pandemic

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A 96-year-old woman clapped her hands and shook with joy as she finally got to hold her great-great-grandson for the first time after being separated from her family during the pandemic.

More than half a year had passed before Ollie Mae Sutton, from New Hope, Alabama, was paid a surprise visit by baby Beckett Stallings, who was six months old by that point.

During the pandemic, Ollie Mae’s family thought it best to keep her isolated for health reasons.

But once Ollie Mae had been fully vaccinated, her granddaughter Brandi Kiel, 47, Beckett’s grandmother, planned a much-needed visit.

The surprise meeting took place on Ollie Mae’s 96th birthday, on March 20.


Ollie Mae suffers from macular degeneration, so she cannot see far or well, her family said.

As Beckett was brought into the room, it wasn’t until he was closer to his great-great-grandmother that the 96-year-old recognized who had come to say “Hello.”

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Ollie Mae’s joy was immediate, as she clapped her hands and brought her great-great-grandson in for a long-awaited hug.


Brandi, from Morgan City, Alabama, captured the moment on video, later sharing it online.

Brandi said: “The moment is priceless for our family. 

“There are no words. She is the kindest, most giving woman I have ever known.

“Everyone loves the video, and her.”

Story courtesy of Jeremy Kiel via T&T Creative Media



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