Good NewsDad Who Had to Sell Dream Car to Keep Home 15 Years...

Dad Who Had to Sell Dream Car to Keep Home 15 Years Ago is Reunited With It Thanks to Kids

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A dad who was forced to sell his dream car 15 years ago to support his family could not believe his eyes when he opened his barn door to see the vehicle in which he shared so many happy memories waiting for him.


After years of trying, Denny Harvey’s family had secretly tracked down his 1959 Edsel Ranger, purchased it and planned a big surprise.

According to Denny’s son, Anthony, from McCordsville, Indiana, his father had had first purchased the car in 1990, and some of his fondest memories as a child were sitting on his father’s lap as he took the vehicle for a spin.

Denny loved the vehicle, his family said, and he would take it to car shows with his late brother until he got caught up in bills in 2004.

Denny with his beloved 1959 Edsel Ranger in the 90s. ©Anthony Harvey/T&T Creative Media

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Thinking the car would bring in the most money, which he desperately needed, Denny was forced to sell his beloved Edsel and never saw it again.

One day, though, while going through family documents, Anthony came across the vehicle identification number for the car, setting himself the challenge of tracking it down.

For some time, Anthony said, he had no luck – but in 2018, he was finally able to find his father’s car down.

He approached the owner, but he did not want to sell.


Then, in October 2021, the owner’s wife contacted Anthony, saying that her husband had passed away and that he had left a note to contact Anthony to sell the car back to the family.

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She kindly kept the car until Anthony and his sisters could get the money together, and the siblings then towed the vehicle back and hid it while they waited for their father’s 67th birthday.

Then, on November 25, 2021, Denny headed out to his barn, where his grandchildren handed him cards saying, “Take us for a ride Papaw.”

Initially, Denny thought he was getting a ride-on lawnmower – but when his family then opened the barn door, he was taken aback by the loving gesture.


A year after the surprise, the family shared a throwback video online.

Anthony said: “It was special for all of us to see him so surprised.

The grandkids enjoying their grandpa’s retro car/ ©Anthony Harvey/T&T Creative Media
Denny and his grandkids enjoying his beloved car. ©Anthony Harvey/T&T Creative Media

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“He has done so much for us and went through so much it meant a lot.

“Ever since he sold it he has had big pictures and plaques on the walls in his office of the car with his late brother in the car with him.


“Everyone really enjoyed the video we shared.

“I love going back and seeing strangers responses and friends saying, ‘Oh my god! I remember that car from 20 years ago.’

“He’s enjoyed taking the grandkids to get ice cream and bringing it back to James Dean Run, a car show he really loves.”

Story via T&T Creative Media


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