Happily Staff

We are a group of people passionate about telling positive, uplifting stories from communities across America and beyond. You can join our communities on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram to stay up to date with all our new stories. Every smile has a story.
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Adorable Dog Hitch-hiking World With Owners Has Visited 36 Countries On Three Continents During Epic Two Year Adventure

An adorable dog is hitch-hiking around the globe with his owners, visiting 36 countries and counting.

Marine Returns From Middle East Deployment To Surprise Girlfriend At Prom Dress Fitting

A Marine gave his girlfriend quite a shock during her prom dress fitting, as he suddenly appeared after seven months serving overseas.

Daughter Surprises Mom With Multiple Sclerosis By Wearing Her Old Wedding Dress To Rehearsal

A loving daughter donned her mother's old wedding dress and surprised her wearing it at the rehearsal of her own wedding.

Little Girl Hugs And Kisses Special Doll Of Navy Dad To Comfort Her While He Is Deployed

A little girls eyes light up as she receives a special doll of her U.S. Navy dad to comfort her while he is deployed - and reacts by kissing and hugging it tightly.

Cancer Sufferer Surprised With Wig Made From Friends’ Hair After She Lost Hers Through Chemo

A cancer sufferer was given a huge surprise when her friends showed up at her door and presented her with a wig made from their own hair to help boost her confidence after her own hair fell out during treatment for Stage 2 metastatic breast cancer.

Stepfather Surprises 19-Year-Old With Adult Adoption Papers For Christmas

A loving stepdad who has looked after his stepdaughter for the majority of her life fought back the tears as he surprised her with adult adoption papers for Christmas.

Sweet Moment Elderly Man With Dementia Is Surprised With Memory Pillow Featuring Late Wife

An elderly man suffering with dementia was surprised with a memory pillow featuring his late wife - leaving him beaming from ear to ear.

Man On Charity Hike Rescues A Kitten Freezing To Death In Sub-zero Temperatures

A kindhearted hiker rescued a kitten he discovered trapped in sub-zero temperatures meowing for help.

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