Good NewsParentingMom Surprises Daughter With Tattoo of Her Drawing

Mom Surprises Daughter With Tattoo of Her Drawing

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A supportive single mom surprised her daughter with an everlasting gift by getting the six-year-old’s drawing of a turtle tattooed on her arm.

Lauren Luskus, 33, from St. Mary’s County, Maryland, shares an incredibly close bond with her daughter, Hayden, and has always encouraged her artistic side.


Hayden has had her works appear in the county fair, Lauren said and has come up with projects at home, such as making snowmen out of bubble wrap, creating clothes for Barbies out of balloons, and making various homes for different pets.

One night, when Hayden drew a turtle, which gave Lauren the flashbulb idea that she would, one day, get the artwork tattooed somewhere on her body.

Doing so would capture a moment in time, Lauren thought, as there are no guarantees that Hayden will enjoy being as artistic in her teenage and adult years.

Lauren said on social media that she planned to get the work tattooed on her body, too, but as time went on, she admitted, others, including her daughter, would have been reasonable to think she wouldn’t go through with the promise.


Then, having passed a tattoo parlor on February 2, Lauren made the giant leap, bringing the turtle artwork she had kept in her wallet.

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As the artist etched the design onto her arm, Lauren recorded different steps of the process, knowing Hayden was in school and could be surprised with the tattoo when she returned home.

Having collected Hayden off the bus, Lauren kept her arm covered before guiding her inside.


She mentioned that she had picked up a few things for the six-year-old while out with the family before saying, “I have one more thing to show you.”

Pulling her sleeve and calling Hayden over, Lauren showed her daughter the artistic gesture.

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Seeing her drawing on her mom’s arm, Hayden immediately started smiling, rubbing the turtle to ensure it was real.

Lauren asked, “Does this make you happy?” as her daughter smiled and admired the work.


If Hayden continues to enjoy art, Lauren plans to ask her to draw another turtle in later life so that she can get that tattooed on her body, too.

Lauren said: “Her reaction was everything I hoped for and more.

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“Seeing my daughter happy makes my heart swell with joy, as cheesy as it may sound.

“At that moment, she knew without a doubt how proud her mommy was of her artwork – so proud that I permanently got it tattooed on my body.


“I love that little girl more than words can say, so seeing her excited, happy, joyful, and proud was everything.

“I hope people realize how the most minor thing can bring your child such joy.


“How capturing moments in time will never be something you regret.

“If my daughter grows up and loses her love of art, then I have a tattoo now that will permanently remind me of how much art shaped my little girl growing up.

“If she continues to love art, then I plan to have her redraw the turtle at an older age and get them facing one another.

“Follow your gut. Your parent instinct is rarely wrong, and show your kids any chance you get how much you love them and how proud you are.”

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