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Grandma Takes Her Sweet Time Realizing “Best Great Grandma” T-Shirt Was Pregnancy Announcement

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A grandma shared a hilarious moment with her granddaughter when she took her sweet time realizing a “best great grandma” t-shirt was announcing her pregnancy.

Being the oldest granddaughter, Jasmine Wallace, 32, from Fontana, California, often faced loving questions from her grandma, Tonie, about when she might have her first child.


Jasmine and Tonie have a very close relationship, and so every time the question came up, the 32-year-old would answer, rather tongue-in-cheek, “Never!”

But when Jasmine got the pregnancy news she had really always wanted, she knew she had to do something special to surprise her grandma.

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Having purchased a t-shirt on Amazon that read “Best Great Grandma Ever,” Jasmine thought presenting the gift to Tonie would be enough for her to realize the news when she read it.


Things did not go according to plan, though.

Having handed the t-shirt to Tonie – and with her camera rolling – Jasmine then watched on as her grandma read the slogan over and over again, not understanding the message.

Hints did not work, either, until, more than a minute and a half after being handed the gift, everything began to click.

As soon as it did, Tonie let out a huge scream of joy while her granddaughter laughed from behind the camera.

Tonie with her ‘Best Great Grandma Ever’ t-shirt (left); and with baby Makai (right). ©T&T Creative Media

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Since the video was taken, Jasmine has given birth to a boy named Makai, and Tonie has been there for every step of the way since.

Jasmine said: “It played at better than I expected.

“I thought as soon as she read the shirt, she would get it right away.

“I gave hints and it still didn’t register, which was the best part.


“It was such a rewarding feeling.

“I knew she would be happy but her reaction was priceless.

Great-grandma Tonie, baby Makai and Jasmine. ©T&T Creative Media

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“She’s a great grandma, so I knew it would be wholesome with a funny twist.

“The end of the video shows her traditional grandmothering self, by telling me to take out her trash despite my grand announcement.


“The reaction from everyone is exactly how I feel about the video: hilarious.

“I’ve had family and people on social media tell me that if they’re having a bad day, they just look back at the video to make their day better.

“I have people all over commenting how much they love it.”


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