Good NewsBoy, 2, Is Surprised With Toy Garbage Truck by Sanitation Workers He...

Boy, 2, Is Surprised With Toy Garbage Truck by Sanitation Workers He Loves to Greet During Their Rounds

Exclusive to Happily


A two-year-old boy who loves watching his neighborhood’s sanitation workers collecting his family’s trash cans was given a wholesome surprise when they turned up at his door with a toy garbage truck.

Twice a week, an excitable Maximos Touros will head to the screen door of his Long Island, New York, home and watch sanitation workers Daniel, Carrigan and Mike carrying out their job.

Over time, the trio clocked Maximo’s bi-weekly viewing party and secretly decided to purchase him a gift.

What made the wholesome surprise even more genuine, though, was that it was not staged to be recorded – Daniel and Carrigan simply turned up with the truck at Maximos’ door one day, and the family’s security camera captured the sweet interaction.

According to Maximos’ mom, Carli, 33, the youngster initially liked sitting in their bay window, watching the world go by and seeing the likes of cars and dogs.


But over time, Maxi became most excited by the garbage truck’s visit, migrating to the Touroses screen door to get a better look.

Maxi at the window waiting for his friends to collect the garbage (L); with his mom, dad and sibling. ©Carli Touros / T&T Creative Media
Danny and Carrigan with the truck they bought for Maxi. ©Carli Touros / T&T Creative Media

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Carli admitted that she did not think about looking at the footage captured by her Ring camera on January 26 until her husband, Peter, returned home from work and she told him about the gift.

She later shared the clip on her social media accounts, where viewers praised the sanitation workers for the heartwarming surprise.


Since receiving the truck, Maximos – who goes by Maxi – has played with the toy every single day, his mom said.

She added: “I honestly could not stop smiling.

“I had no idea why they were knocking, but my son started squealing and dancing as soon as he saw Danny, then his mouth literally dropped when he saw the toy truck.

Maxi plays with his new sanitation truck toy every day. ©Carli Touros / T&T Creative Media

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“He has played with it every day since receiving it.


“He shows his younger brother how it works every day.

“We are beyond blessed to have had such an amazing sanitation team that treated my son with such adoration.

“He still wakes up every morning asking to see the ‘trash truck.’ “We are still working on his pronunciation of garbage.”


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