
Happily Staff

We are a group of people passionate about telling positive, uplifting stories from communities across America and beyond. You can join our communities on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram to stay up to date with all our new stories. Every smile has a story.



Boy Drives Himself Into Major Surgery Thanks To The Electric Car

This is the adorable moment a boy aged six excitedly drives himself into surgery without a care in the world thanks to an electric car.

Man Airlifts Gifts Using Drone To Friends Who Missed Birthdays During Lockdown

A caring friend decided to make up for all of the missed birthday during the coronavirus lockdown by flying his friend's gifts using a drone.

Stranded Goat Stuck On A Tiny Legde Halfway Up A Cliff Face Has Been Rescued After Over A Week Stranded

This is the moment a goat stuck for over a week on a tiny ledge was rescued by heroic volunteers.

Military Husband Surprises Doctor Wife By Posing As Patient

A doctor was overcome with emotion after walking into a consultation to discover her military husband waiting for her after he returned from early from deployment.

Wild Deer Bows At Tourists To Say Hello

Japan is widely seen as the most polite nation on earth - but now even the animals are getting in on the act.

Girl Meets Newborn Sister For The First Time After 16 Days In NICU

This is the adorable moment a girl is left speechless as she is surprised to discover her newborn sister has finally come home after 16 days in the NICU.

Police Officer Stages Fake ‘Arrest’ So He Can Propose To His Girlfriend

A man staged his own arrest with the help of a police officer as an elaborate ruse to propose to his long term girlfriend.

Marine Emotionally Surprises His Parents After Graduating

A newly graduated Marine surprised his parents dressed in his new blues.

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