
Happily Staff

We are a group of people passionate about telling positive, uplifting stories from communities across America and beyond. You can join our communities on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram to stay up to date with all our new stories. Every smile has a story.



Runner Stunned By Finish Line Proposal After 5k Race

This is the heart-warming moment a competitor in a 5k race drops to the floor in shock after her partner proposes on the finish line.

Dog Can’t Hide Joy When He Finally Reunites With Beloved Neighbor

A labradoodle could not hide its delight when he was finally allowed to reunite with his beloved neighbor – who he had not seen for months.

Colombian Orphan Reunites With Adopted Family To Officially Become A Part Of Their Family

An orphan from Colombia whose adoption story went viral has finally been reunited with his adopted family and officially become part of the family.

This Adorable Baby’s Reaction To The Lion King Movie Will Melt Your Heart

A baby is left in amazement as he excitedly watches The Lion King trailer - showing off a hilarious mixture of facial expressions.

Police Officer Jams With The School Band In The Stands At Football Game

A police officer has been filmed jamming on the drums with a high school band.

Boyfriend Hides Engagement Ring Inside Crystal For His Girlfriend To Find

A man whose girlfriend loves geodes came up with a novel way to propose - by hiding the engagement ring inside a crystal lined rock.

Boy Surprises Stepdad With Video And Paperwork Asking To Be Adopted

A man is brought to tears as he watches a video created by his stepson of their favorite memories together - which ends with him asking to be adopted.

Mystery Diner Tips $112 At New York Cafe Staffed By Disabled Employees

A mystery diner at a cafe left an eye-watering $112 tip for the waitresses who served them.

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