Good NewsFamilyWoman Plans Surprise Grand Entrance to Reunite With Family After Three and...

Woman Plans Surprise Grand Entrance to Reunite With Family After Three and a Half Years Apart

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A woman who lives 20 hours by plane from her family surprised them after three-and-a-half years apart.


Maleja Amortegui is originally from Colombia but moved to Melbourne, Australia, to study English and travel.

She originally planned to only stay for two years but after meeting her now partner, Lydia, who is Australian, the pair got engaged and Maleja decided to make a new life Down Under.

Maleja reunites with her mom. ©T&T Creative Media
Maleja’s grand entrance involved a band playing as she surprised her family. ©T&T Creative Media

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But towards the end of 2022, the couple were able to travel to Colombia and surprise Maleja’s family – including her mom, grandmother – who has Parkinson’s – Maleja’s brother, cousin and aunt.


When they arrived at the house they came with flowers and mariachis performing a song expressing how those who live far away want so much to return home to their family.

Maleja said: “I always dreamed of arriving with flowers and mariachis since they are my queens.

“The song is a ranchera expressing what we want so much – those who live far away, returning home to your family.

“It was a very nice surprise and we spent Christmas as a family.”



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