Good NewsParentingToddler With Down Syndrome Showers Newborn Baby Brother With Kisses in Adorable...

Toddler With Down Syndrome Showers Newborn Baby Brother With Kisses in Adorable Video

Love knows no bounds ❤️

Exclusive to Happily

A boy with Down syndrome could not hide his delight as he got to hold his newborn brother in his arms for the first time.


Adorable two-year-old Erik Blomstrann was overjoyed to meet his first sibling, Bo.

Erik’s mother, Nicole Blomstrann, 27, shared the video – and it wasn’t long before Erik’s show of brotherly love was getting widespread praise.

Erik is non-verbal, but while Nicole was pregnant with Bo, she taught her son how to sign “Baby.”

Having not seen his parents for three days while they were away at the hospital, Erik was overjoyed on their return home to Wethersfield, Connecticut.

Erik reacts to meeting his new baby brother. ©T&T Creative Media

READ MORE: Girl Meets Newborn Sister For The First Time After 16 Days In NICU


Then, when Nicole brought Bo into the room, the youngster began to sign “Baby, please!” frantically.

In the video, shot by Erik’s father – also called Erik, 40 – the toddler can occasionally give Bo a loving lick on his forehead, which Nicole said is her son’s variation on a kiss.

Nicole said of the show of brotherly love: “I think more than anything, we want people to see how much joy individuals with Down syndrome add to this world. 

“They just give love so effortlessly without being taught or reminded to be kind. 


“We say Erik is sunshine because his light is just that bright and strong. 

“He has shown us so much kindness exists in this world and the Down syndrome community is simply inspiring to be a part of. 

“We want to share that sunshine with as many people as possible, especially when the world truly needs it right now.”

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