Good NewsFamilySon Overwhelmed With Emotion as He Receives Bear Crafted From Mother's Wedding...

Son Overwhelmed With Emotion as He Receives Bear Crafted From Mother’s Wedding Dress

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A son was brought to tears when he was surprised with a teddy bear made from the blouse his late mom wore on his wedding day.

Pedro Yllescas, from Mexico City, Mexico, lost his mom, Maria, 64, in tragic circumstances on June 31, when she fell down steps at her home, causing her to suffer a stroke.


Maria then spent approximately 15 days in the hospital, but even after going through surgery to drain blood from her brain, her condition worsened, and the family was prepared to say their goodbyes.

The experience was extremely tough on Pedro, and before his first birthday without his mom, his wife, Vianney, 35, wanted to give her husband something to remember his mother by.

She reached out to a company called HE.SHOPP.ING, which creates teddy bears from loved ones’ clothes, known as memory bears.

Vianney provided the company with the blouse Maria had worn for her son’s wedding, which they turned into a teddy and sent back to her.


On September 28, Pedro was handed the gift when he returned home from work.

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Seeing the bear, he then looked at a photo Vianney had included in the package of his mom wearing the yellow blouse on his wedding day.

As the thought behind the yellow bear started to click, Pedro began to cry floods of tears, the emotion getting too much for him.


The bear also featured a phrase, “Over and out,” which Pedro’s mom often used to say to him.

Pedro said: “My wife gave me the bear on my birthday, and I had no idea what it was.

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“When I opened the box, I took out the bear and saw a photo of me with my mother on my wedding day, and that’s when I realized it was made with my mother’s blouse.

“I missed her so much; I just started crying and hugged the bear.


“It’s very difficult to assimilate and even more so because the bear had the phrase written on it that my mother always told me, ‘over and out.’

“I have the bear in my bedroom – it’s the only thing I have left of her and is a nice way to remember her.

“My father also passed away two months after my mother, so I asked my wife to please have a bear made now with one of my dad’s clothes so I could have the two of them together.”

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