Good NewsSoftball Team Think They Are Lining Up for Team Photo, Only for...

Softball Team Think They Are Lining Up for Team Photo, Only for Coach to Pull Out Baby Scan

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A softball coach convinced her team they were having a squad photo taken – only to surprise them with news she is pregnant capturing their reactions on video.

Coach Adriana Wilson, 26, asked her Hamilton High School Varsity Softball Team, from Chandler, Arizona, to line up for a picture by convincing them that she had her cellphone camera on a self-timer.

Secretly, though, Adriana had flipped the phone onto video mode, and as the team stood in order, Adriana took her place at the front, pulling out a baby scan and revealing she was pregnant.

The team immediately swamped their coach for an emotional hug following excitable screams and jumps of joy.


Adriana has coached the team since 2018, when she and her husband moved to Arizona from Los Angeles.

Because she and her husband do not have any family in the state, Adriana became very close to the team and her fellow staff.

The team line up for a ‘team photo’. ©T&T Creative Media
The team reacts after spotting the baby scan. ©T&T Creative Media

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The surprise took place in May 2022, as the team headed to the bus for their first playoff game.


Adriana said she wanted to surprise the team this way, ahead of such a big game, to remind them that they are more to her than just players.

Since then, Adriana has welcomed a baby girl, Daniela, who was born on October 26, 2022.

She shared the video of the surprise on her TikTok channel, months after it had taken place.

Adriana said: “I felt extremely nervous – I was red in the video.

“When I said I was pregnant, they all jumped around me, taking turns giving me a hug, but what I did not expect is that the girls actually started to cry.


“I thought, they’re too young to understand the impact a pregnancy has, but it’s like they all knew the impact having a baby really is.

“They cried of joy and then, of course, started bickering amongst each other about how I need to name my baby after them!”

Story via T&T Creative Media

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