Good NewsMom-To-Be Surprises Family With Pregnancy News Using Card Game

Mom-To-Be Surprises Family With Pregnancy News Using Card Game

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A mom-to-be has surprised her family by using a card game to reveal her pregnancy.


Anna and Joey Potesta from Fairmont, West Virginia, have been trying for a baby since they got married in November 2020.

Most Friday nights Anna’s family gets together at her parent’s house to play cards.

When Anna discovered she was pregnant, she knew she should tell her family at one of these classic evenings, so on April 7th, 2021 – the Friday before Mother’s Day – the couple went over to her parent’s house to tell the good news. 

That evening, mom Maryann, dad Larry, and brother Tony were playing a card game with the couple when suddenly Joey placed his hand, and written on each card was a different letter spelling out the word ‘baby.’ 


Anna’s dad’s mouth dropped as he caught on to the surprise straight away whilst mom Maryann and brother Tony didn’t realize the good news.

Larry grabbed Maryann’s arm in shock and asked Anna “are you pregnant?” 

As soon as they heard Anna say yes, the family threw their cards in the air in complete joy and dash over to hug the parents-to-be.

Maryann said: “I was trying to cheat during the card game I didn’t catch on very quickly as you probably noticed, but once my husband Larry said, “are you pregnant?” I got so excited! 


“I cannot wait to become a nonnie.”

READ MORE: Expectant Mom Records Friends And Family’s Amazing Reactions To Pregnancy News

After revealing Anna’s pregnancy her parents suggested for them to go to Joey’s family and tell them the news as Maryann and Larry couldn’t wait to talk to Joey’s parents.

As Maryann and Larry couldn’t wait to talk to Joey’s parents about the pregnancy, they suggested for the couple to go tell them the news.

Anna said: “We both were very excited that night and could not wait to tell our parents.


“We cannot wait to become parents.”

The baby is a girl and due December 18th, 2021.

She will be named Poppy Jo after Anna’s grandpa, Poppy – who sadly passed away 6 days before their wedding and Jo after Joey’s mom.

Story via T&T Creative Media


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