Good NewsParentingMom Screams When She Realizes Message on Side of Egg Reveals Daughter-in-Law...

Mom Screams When She Realizes Message on Side of Egg Reveals Daughter-in-Law Is Expecting First Baby

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A woman who shares a sweet bond with her daughter-in-law over chickens they care for was given a huge surprise when she found out she was going to become a grandma on one of her birds’ eggs.

When Betty Jo Wheat, from Chanute, Kansas, read the message on one of the eggs – “Baby chick hatching in 9 months!” – she didn’t initially get the gist.


But after a few seconds – and some prompting by her son, Dalton, and daughter-in-law Emma – everything suddenly clicked, and a shocked Betty Jo let out a huge scream of excitement.

She and Emma had always bonded over chickens after Emma, 24, fell in love with them when she married Dalton and started spending time on his family’s farm.

Having hatched numerous chicks with Betty Jo, 73, Emma decided it made complete sense that she would announce her pregnancy using a chicken egg.

On October 18, Emma texted her mother-in-law, “Betty Jo…there is something weird in your chick tank!!” which prompted Betty Jo to head in to check things out.


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As she did, Emma started recording a video, which she later shared on social media, where she documents life on the family farm as well as her pregnancy journey with the baby.

Emma said: “Betty Jo’s reaction just made me so happy, and it made me laugh and continues to make me laugh when I rewatch the video.

“However, I was not the least bit surprised because she is one of the most supportive, happy, and animated people I have ever met.


“Beforehand, I was so excited to see her reaction because I just knew it was going be big!”

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