A lonely chocolate labrador whose best friend passed away couldn’t hide her excitement when she was surprised with a new puppy companion.
Owners Tara and Charlie, from Marin County, California, noticed seven-year-old Cadie had started looking and feeling sad and lonely since 13-year-old bestie Flicka passed away last year.
The family had always had two dogs, which, their daughter Amy said, meant each dog could keep the other company with a “built-in best friend.”

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And so, to lift Cadie’s spirits and provide a companion to love and play with, the family decided to adopt another Labrador puppy named Nami.
Having collected Nami, they then wanted to surprise Cadie, so they momentarily placed the puppy in a box and waited for the seven-year-old pooch to approach.
Cadie began to wag her tail with delight when she sniffed the box and as the lid popped off to reveal who was waiting inside, her tail wags went into overdrive.
Amy, who captured the moment on video, said: “After our other dog Flicka passed away, Cadie seemed a little lonely, so we wanted to surprise her with her own puppy to love and play with.
“Cadie was anxiously waiting for us back at the house, and when we let her out of the room, Nami, her ‘present’, was waiting for her.
“They were so excited as you can tell from both their tails wagging a million miles a minute in the video.
“It made us so happy to see Cadie so excited and interested in her new puppy.
“Cadie is such a playful and friendly dog, who always wants to say hi to every person she passes and will try to play with every dog she sees.

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“She is a happy and genuinely loving and easy going dog, so we knew she would react positively and embrace the experience.
“Cadie was also part of a foster dog breeding program, where she had two litters of puppies bred for service dogs.
“She was a great mom to her puppies, so we knew she’d be gentle and kind with our new puppy too.
“It was heartwarming to see them both so excited to meet and immediately start playing together, especially when Cadie brought over her ball to share with Nami.
“We know they are going to be best friends.”