Good NewsHeartwarming GesturesKindhearted Kids Bring American Tourists Trapped in Elevator Snacks and Drinks

Kindhearted Kids Bring American Tourists Trapped in Elevator Snacks and Drinks

Exclusive to Happily

A group of kindhearted Parisian children helped a couple make the best of a bad situation by passing them snacks and drinks when they were trapped in a broken elevator.


Eduardo Silva, 22, from San Antonio, Texas, was visiting Paris with his girlfriend Nadia, 22, and her mom, Lorena, when the incident occurred.

The couple were staying in the 17th Arrondissement of the city and were getting ready to meet their individual host families, as this was the first time they had studied overseas.

After meeting Eduardo’s host parents, the couple and Lorena walked a short distance to where Nadia was set to the based.

There, they were first introduced to the father of Nadia’s host family, who said the three visitors should take the elevator to his apartment, given that it was a tight squeeze for four people and their family lived on the sixth floor.

As the group headed up, they started to notice something was “off,” and the elevator struggled more and more with each passing floor.


Eventually, something snapped, causing metallic objects to fall into the elevator, Eduardo said, which left the group worried that they could soon be falling down many floors below.

Fortunately, though, the elevator stopped a floor beneath the sixth floor Nadia’s host family was based on, and for an hour and a half the group waited for the elevator to be fixed.

The kids who brought the snacks and drinks (left) and Eduardo and Nadia in Paris (right)

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During this time, the children of the host family headed downstairs, keeping the traveling group calm and passing them snacks through the sliding metal doors.


The moment took place in September 2021 but went viral in 2023 after Eduardo reposted it on social media.

He said: “The kids were my girlfriend’s hosts parents kids, so they were really excited to meet her.

“But when the host parents found out we were stuck, they were pretty worried and calmly tried to get us out by having us press the emergency button inside the elevator, which calls the firefighters.

“They were speaking in French, so from the outside, Nadia’s host dad was telling them in French what had happened.

“So while we were waiting, the kids offered us cookies and juice, and, lucky for me, I took them up on that offer because I’m always hungry.

The family stuck in the ancient Parisian elevator.

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“We ended up getting stuck for about an hour and a half.

“I thought it was really cute and nice of them to offer us cookies and apple juice.

“I love apple juice and those cookies melted in my mouth – they were so good.

“But I had fun with this whole situation, and I loved that I got this experience out of it.

“People loved the video, and to this day I still get comments, likes and people reposting it, even though it happened almost two years ago.

“It went viral the same day I posted it, and my family and friends could not believe we actually got stuck in an elevator our first time being there in Paris and meeting her host parents.

“My family, friends and everyone online also just loved the idea that they gave us cookies and juice through the elevator.”

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