Good NewsHilarious Moment Dad Tries To Outdo Daughter's Ballet Moves

Hilarious Moment Dad Tries To Outdo Daughter’s Ballet Moves

Exclusive to Happily

A dad has been video doing delicate ballet moves in an attempt to prove he can do ballet just as well as his three-year-old daughter. 


Adorable Lea, 3, had just started ballet lessons and wanted her dad to watch her new moves. 

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After demonstrating her points and pirouettes, devoted dad Zachary thought he could do one better – by teaching his daughter some new moves. 

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Skipping and hopping across the lounge, his daughter follows suit. 

The duo even perform dainty pirouette’s as mom Caitlin watches on recording on her cell phone.

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Caitlin said: “Lea asked her dad to watch what she had learned that day.

“But dad thought he knew a thing or two more he could teach Lea, so he turned it into an impromptu lesson and little performance.”

The family, from Goodyear, Arizona, filmed the video clip just before Christmas.

Story courtesy of T&T Creative Media.


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