A hardworking single mom who worked three jobs to save money told her children they were all spending the night in an AirBnB – before revealing it was actually their new family home.
Kimaada Ellison’s kids had no idea the surprise was coming when they entered the home, initially taking a look around the large family property in awe.
Then, suddenly, mom Kimaada, 44, asks her children – Rene 25, Kahalia 21, Kiari 18, Kanani 13, and Kimora, aged six, – “What if I told you this was your house?”
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As everything begins to click, the kids light up with joy, screaming in complete shock.
The moment marked the end of a long journey for Kimaada, from Missouri, who had been living in a two-bedroom unit to save money, after she said her children’s father left the family unexpectedly.
It was tough, Kimaada, a teacher of 24 years, said, initially having to admit to her kids she could not fully support them on a single salary.
So, she took on two extra jobs – braiding hair and working in an Amazon warehouse – and put her studies on hold, as she couldn’t afford tuition she hopes will one day allow her to become a principal.

Kimaada worked the three jobs, eventually earning enough for the new property, which she wanted to show her kids through a big surprise.
She told them that, for Christmas, she had splurged on a spacious AirBnB that was like their old home, which would allow them to celebrate Christmas like they did in the past.
Speaking of the moment, Kimaada said: “They weren’t used to that environment, and it’s been a rough few years, even being homeless temporarily after I hit rock bottom due to emotional and financial drain.
“I reestablished my relationship with God, prayed for grit and endurance and haven’t looked back since.

“This is not to say that 20-hour days, five days a week isn’t taxing on my body, but I’d do it all again to see the looks of joy on their faces.
“In this world full of uncertainty, I want them to know that they can always count on me to do whatever it takes to get it done, and I’m rooting for them on their own personal journeys as well.
“I knew that they were proud of me because they know, firsthand, my sacrifices, and that made me feel like it was all worth it.
“The message I hope others take from this story is that it is never too late to accomplish your dreams.
“It doesn’t mean it will be an easy trek along the journey, and Lord knows you can’t predict all of the twists and turns you encounter, or the trials and tribulations you face, but through it all – don’t quit.
“It’s always easy to give up, but what are you teaching your kids? They hear what you say, for sure. But, most importantly, they are watching what you do.”
Story via T&T Creative Media