Good NewsMilitaryGirlfriend Surprises Military Boyfriend With New Apartment After Deployment

Girlfriend Surprises Military Boyfriend With New Apartment After Deployment

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A military boyfriend was given a big surprise when he returned home from deployment, as his girlfriend blindfolded him at the airport, took him in their car, and then led him into their new apartment.


It had always been Sam’s intention to move into a new place with his girlfriend, Chelsea, but because he was living overseas, he had never seen the spot that had been picked out or even knew of a move-in date.

When Sam removed the blindfold, he was greeted with the shiny new room, decorated with balloons and American food that he had missed while overseas.

Sam thought he and Chelsea would be staying in a hotel when he returned from a 222-day deployment in Bahrain, in the Middle East.

Chelsea and Sam (left) and during their reunion at the airport (right). ©T&T Creative Media

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The surprise took place on July 2, in Florida, and Chelsea captured the moment on video, sharing it on her TikTok channel.

Sam had expected her to pick up the keys around a week later, Chelsea said, which would have been his first time seeing their apartment.

But knowing how much Sam had missed home, Chelsea decided to collect the keys early.

Because of Sam’s military commitments, he cannot disclose the branch he serves with, his duties or his rank.


Speaking of the surprise, Chelsea said: “He’s not from this area so he didn’t really know where we were going, but he had visited, so once we got to an area I thought he might recognize it, so I blindfolded him and told him I had a surprise.

“I was nervous in the moment but an excited nervous.

“I felt happy when he saw it because I could tell he was happy, so that’s all I really cared about.

“Even though we were sleeping on a mattress on the floor that night, I don’t think he or I would change that moment.”

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