Good NewsPetsGerman Shepard Can't Contain Excitement at Airport Arrivals as She Finally Reunites...

German Shepard Can’t Contain Excitement at Airport Arrivals as She Finally Reunites With Military Mom After Six Months Apart for Training

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An excitable German Shepherd couldn’t hide her joy as she was excitably reunited with her military mom after six months apart.


Jordin Baker, 18, from Indianapolis, Indiana, is a private in the U.S. Army, and was required to leave home and head off for basic training in summer 2020.

Doing so meant splitting from her three-year-old pup, Nala, and over the weeks and months that followed, Jordin admitted she kept thinking about how much she missed her dog.

Before returning home, on December 18, Jordin said she wanted to keep the visit a secret from her parents, who were hoping she’d be home for the holidays.

In order to do so, Jordin gave her little sister and best friend a heads-up to collect her from the airport – but the pair then had a surprise of their own.


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They decided to bring Nala with them, and as soon as the German Shepherd saw her owner come out of the arrivals entrance, she immediately started pulling to run across the parking lot.

As she finally got to reunite with Jordin after half a year apart, Nala excitedly rolled on her back for a big hug and pet.

Jordin said: “Once I got closer she could smell me and she knew who I was – I was super excited.


“She didn’t even know what to do, which made me excited, to say the least, that she missed me as much as I missed her.”

Story courtesy of T&T Creative Media


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