Home Good News Ex-Marine Gives Emotional Sign-Off As He Retires From The Police After 26 Years

Ex-Marine Gives Emotional Sign-Off As He Retires From The Police After 26 Years

Ex-Marine Gives Emotional Sign-Off As He Retires From The Police After 26 Years
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This is the emotional moment an ex-marine turned cop signs off on radio for the last time as he retires after 26 years of service in law enforcement.


Robert Monk retired from the Bedford Police Department in Virginia as a patrol sergeant after almost 22 years on the job.

He also worked for the Bedford County Sheriff’s Office for four years from April 1993 before he started his career at the police department.

And prior to that he joined the United States Marine Corps out of high school, serving from April 1989 to April 1993, and is a veteran of Operation Desert Storm.

As Robert made his final dispatch call, his son Tyler was on the other end of the radio to congratulate him on his service while daughter Briana captured the moment on video.


After Tyler congratulates his dad, a choked-up Robert thanks his fellow officers and says a few inspirational words, including: ‘We all got into this job with the idea that we might be able to save the world. You may not change the world but you may change somebody’s world.’

One-by-one, Robert’s colleagues come onto the radio to say a few congratulatory words, as well as a fellow former Marine who says ‘Semper Fi Devil Dog’ – short for Semper Fidelis, Latin for ‘Always Faithful’, and is the Marine Corps motto.

-Scroll down to see emotional video below-

Robert said: “It was an honor to serve the Bedford community for over 25 years – the people of Bedford made it easy for me to serve.


“There were times when I had to respond to a friend’s house or arrest people that I knew personally, and times like that are a challenge to say the least

“But I see situations like that as an opportunity to help and be a positive influence for someone.

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“As I used to tell younger officers, people don’t call the police to tell you what a wonderful day they are having. They call because they are having the worst day of their life and what you do in that moment they will remember the rest of their life.

“I’ve even had one person approach me years later and thank me for arresting him. He explained that it turned his life around for the better.

“In short having served in the community I live in was both challenging and rewarding.”


Robert held many different titles during his time in law enforcement including Patrol Officer, Investigator, School Resource Officer, D.A.R.E Officer, G.R.E.A.T. Instructor, Jailor and Patrol Sergeant.

He added: “I was a Corporal when I got out of the Marine Corps. I started as a Deputy Sheriff with the Bedford County Sheriff’s Office and left there with the rank of Corporal. I started as a Police Officer with the Bedford Police Department and left as a Sergeant.

“I am so proud to have worked in Bedford my entire career. Not only that, I’m proud to have helped others.

“I don’t know who is quoted as saying it but one thing I have learned over my career, ‘you may not change the world but you may change somebody’s world’. I tell my kids this all the time.”

Robert’s daughter, who captured the poignant moment on video, added: “My dad asked my brother, Tyler Monk, to take his ‘final sign off’ or 10-42.


“My brother took time away from college to come in and take dad’s final radio call using his own words, while I videotaped the whole thing.

“It was very emotional and bittersweet for the town, my father, our family and his fellow coworkers.”

Story courtesy of T&T Creative Media.

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