Good NewsParentingBaby's Joy Is Contagious as He Hears Parents' Voices for the First...

Baby’s Joy Is Contagious as He Hears Parents’ Voices for the First Time

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A happy youngster couldn’t hide his delight when his hearing aids were activated for the first time and could hear his mother and father’s voices.


In the adorable video, six-month-old Lochlyn Keele immediately lit up as he was able to hear the voices of others.

Shot on August 14 at OHSU/Doernbechers Children’s Hospital in Portland, Oregon, a smile comes onto little Lochlyn’s face as he’s asked how he’s doing before joyously waving his arms.

Baby hears for the first time
Lochlyn hears for the first time. ©T&T Creative Media

RELATED: Baby Hears Mom And Dad For First Time As Hearing Aids Activated

The youngster’s hearing loss is down to a recessive gene, Connexin 26, which both his mother and father carry.

There is a one-in-four chance of acquiring the genes, mother Vanessa Holgerson, 22, said.


Lochlyn is now nine months old, and the moment of his activation was very emotional for everyone, according to his mom Vanessa, from Washington State.

She said: “It was emotional because this is something he has to carry with him forever, but thanks to modern technology, he is able to hear like the rest of us.

“Others feel the same emotional connection and joy as he is so happy to be able to hear.

Lochlyn with his mom
Lochlyn with his mom. ©T&T Creative Media

“Hearing aids are just like glasses, except they help you hear rather than see.


“Yet, to most people, seeing a child or infant with hearing aids makes them feel bad and question whether they will be able to grow up and do what other kids do.

“In reality, my kid with hearing aids can still do everything that normal kids without aids can do.”

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