Happily Staff

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Police Officer Brought To Tears When Military Son Surprises Her At Swearing In Ceremony

A police officer burst into tears at her swearing-in ceremony when she discovered her military son who she hadn't seen in two years would be pinning her badge.

Blind Football Fan Brought To Tears As Pupils Surprise Him With Life-changing Glasses That Allow Him To Finally See

A blind die-hard high school football fan was brought to tears in front of an entire faculty when pupils surprised him with a pair of life-changing glasses that would allow him to see.

Military Dad Surprises His Five Kids In Disney’s Magic Kingdom After A Year-long Deployment In Syria

Five young siblings were given the surprise of their life when they posed for a photo at Disney’s Magic Kingdom only for their military father to appear in shot.

Man Proposes To Stunned Partner On Her Favorite Beach Using Message In Conch Shell

A woman couldn't believe her eyes when a conch shell found on her favorite beach had a message inside from her partner asking her to marry him.

Boyfriend Ingeniously Proposes Using Board Game After Switching Out Cards

A boyfriend ingeniously proposed to his partner during a game night by rigging the cards in board game Clue for his partner to discover.

Baby Copies Mom’s Yoga Moves As The Pair Perform Acrobatic Poses

An adorable baby has been filmed copying - and acing - her mom’s yoga moves despite being unable to walk yet.

American Woman Kidnapped At Birth Is Reunited With Family After 25 Years

An American woman who was kidnapped at birth in her native Romania has been reunited with her family after 25 years apart.

Opera Singing Barista Blows Away Customers With His Incredible Voice

An opera singing coffee barista blew away customers in his store with his incredible singing - after bursting into song while serving them.

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