Good NewsFunnyBaby Girl's Expression of Disgust When She Touches Dad's Bare Foot Is...

Baby Girl’s Expression of Disgust When She Touches Dad’s Bare Foot Is Priceless

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A baby girl has gone viral after she pulled a truly disgusted face when she accidentally touched her father’s barefoot.

In the hilarious video, nine-month-old Nae’lani Tru A’mour Gantz, who goes by Tru, can be seen trying to pull herself to her feet.


As she did this, though, Tru, who was using a sofa for leverage, accidentally touched father Nasir’s foot, which was not in a sock.

The contact immediately made Tru change facial expressions, with the youngster’s eyes widening and her face looking horrified at what she had just done.

Mom Tajae Gantz, from Philadelphia, said she couldn’t stop watching and laughing at the moment, which took place on September 21.

Tajae said: “When I saw her reaction to touching his feet, I couldn’t stop watching the video and kept laughing.


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“When I posted the video on social media, everyone kept replying, saying she’s very funny and a smart baby.

“My family found it hilarious and were sending it around and posting it on Facebook – then I posted it on TikTok, and it got 1.1 million views.

“I wasn’t even seeing some of the stuff people said because there were so many comments on the video.


“Seeing my child go viral that quick was exciting.”

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