Good NewsOnly Granddaughter Surprises Grandmother In Nursing Home Wearing Wedding Dress After Her...

Only Granddaughter Surprises Grandmother In Nursing Home Wearing Wedding Dress After Her Grandmother Missed Her Big Day Due To A Fall

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A grandma who missed her only granddaughter’s wedding because of a fall was given an emotional surprise when her loved one showed up wearing her wedding dress and the shoes she had gifted her for the big day.


Kayla Pacheco, 30, is Kathleen Pearse’s only granddaughter, and despite suffering from dementia, Kathleen always remembered that Brooke was set to get married at the end of 2021. 

Due to Kathleen’s failing health, friends and family had worried she might not make the wedding, but after transportation was arranged, the 74-year-old suffered a fall, which resulted in her being taken to hospital.

While Kathleen received treatment, complications meant she ended up on a ventilator and the stay caused her to miss Kayla and her wife Brooke’s big day.

Kayla was determined to make it up to her grandmother, though, so she donned a pair of Bella and Belle shoes that Kathleen had purchased her as a wedding gift, along with her wedding dress itself.


On November 28, Kayla walked into Nevins Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Methuen, Massachusetts, for the big surprise, with Brooke capturing the moment on video.

Since her fall, Kathleen has been increasingly confused, Kayla said, but seeing her grandmother, known as “Nana,” light up made her day.

READ MORE: Daughter Surprises Mom With Multiple Sclerosis By Wearing Her Old Wedding Dress To Rehearsal

Kayla, from Salem, New Hampshire, added: “Seeing my Nana light up with such a big smile made me unbelievably happy. 


“She was so surprised and I couldn’t wait to show her I was also wearing the shoes. 

“After the video ended she actually made my wife remove one of my shoes so she could hold it and get a closer look at them. 

“Her reaction was so sweet and genuine and I am so happy we captured it on video.

“We made the video so I could share the moment with my family and friends through social media. 

“I have loved reading all of the sweet comments and hearing how others are reacting to the video.”


Story via T&T Creative Media


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