Good NewsMilitaryMom Sobs When Daughter Returns From Duty in Africa After Seven Months...

Mom Sobs When Daughter Returns From Duty in Africa After Seven Months to Surprise Her With Flowers

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A mom sobbed tears of joy when her ‘best friend’ daughter returned home from deployment with the U.S. Air Force in Africa to surprise her with a bouquet of flowers after seven months apart.


Jasmine Taylor, 25, from Rochester, New York, shares a close bond with mom, Angela, 47, who she calls her best friend.

Before her deployment overseas, Jasmine, a staff sergeant, had never been away from her family support network for such a long time.

As the months apart rolled on, the separation was intense and sad for both mother and daughter, and due to the political climate in Niger, where Jasmine was based, her deployment was extended twice.

And so, when Jasmine received news she could head home, she couldn’t wait to reunite with her mom.

With the help of her aunt, Elisa, Jasmine snuck into a local Cheesecake Factory, where her mom was seated inside.


Jasmine then made her way through the restaurant, carrying a bouquet of flowers before tapping her mom on the shoulder.

As soon as Angela turned around, her jaw dropped, leaving her frozen in shock.

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Then, when everything clicked, Angela burst into tears, before holding her daughter tight in an emotional embrace.


Jasmine said: “We knew mom was a worried mother and wouldn’t expect me to come home when I did.

“I felt relief and joy because my mom is my rock and my best friend.

“So, to see her and to surprise her was one of my greatest joys in life.

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“The response from family and friends has been amazing and supportive.


“Everyone who has watched the video has cried or showed an outpouring of support due to me getting delayed from so long.

“What I want others to take from this story is love will overcome all things in the end.

“When I was in a really bad head space while away, all I can think about was the love I have received from my friends and family to keep going.”

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