Good NewsWeddingsGrandpa Who Has to “Win Back” Wife Every Day Because of Her...

Grandpa Who Has to “Win Back” Wife Every Day Because of Her Dementia Lights up When She Remembers His Surprise Is for Their 67th Anniversary

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A beloved grandpa who tries to “win back” his dementia-suffering wife every day was given a beautiful surprise when she lit up and remembered their 67th wedding anniversary.

Second-generation Armenian-Americans, Sarkis, 93, and wife Alice, 89, first met at a birthday party in Massachusetts 68 years ago.


After just one date, Sarkis proposed, and though Alice thought he was “crazy,” she went on to take his hand in marriage.

Having had three daughters and eight grandchildren throughout their lives together, Alice was later diagnosed with dementia and required additional support that her husband could no longer provide.

The couple’s grandchild, Hope Alcocer, 35, said each day brings a new challenge with Sarkis trying to “win his wife back” at the dementia-centered living facility where they are based.

Ahead of the couple’s 67th wedding anniversary on September 23, Hope contacted the center to send them a reminder, along with some photos to help with the celebrations.


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The family was not expecting Alice to remember the date’s significance, but when she entered the room and saw her husband holding flowers, she immediately lit up.

Seeing his wife remember their anniversary really moved Sarkis, and staff at the center later shared a clip of his joyous reaction with Hope, who lives in New York City.

Hope said: “It’s so hard to see my grandparents age and decline health-wise.


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“But seeing my grandma light up and remember the day, and seeing my grandpa so moved, is a constant reminder that love knows no diagnosis but perseveres.

“Many people have reached out so moved that they still have this bond.

“Make no mistake, my grandparents have had their share of challenges.

“My grandfather is also a ‘character’, but he has stepped up to dedicate his life to my grandmother after she has dedicated her life to him for nearly 90 years.”


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