Good NewsPetsGirl's Jaw Drops as Puppy Plushie Comes to Life When She's Surprised...

Girl’s Jaw Drops as Puppy Plushie Comes to Life When She’s Surprised With the Real Thing

Exclusive to Happily

An eight-year-old who thought she was unwrapping a soft toy dog for Christmas couldn’t believe her eyes when the real puppy walked into the room behind her.


Reagan Tessier, from Gilford, New Hampshire, was stunned when an eight-week-old Bernese Mountain Dog puppy trotted into her living room as she was holding a cuddly version of the pooch.

According to Reagan’s mom, Cori, she and her husband had a bit of a “YOLO” moment, deciding to adopt a playmate for their seven-year-old golden retriever, Teddy.

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The couple lives on Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire, next to a hiking mountain, Mount Major.


And so, when Cori’s husband, a diehard Kansas City Chiefs fan, found out Cori had received a call from her business partner to say she had come across Bernese Mountain Dog puppies for sale in Kansas, the couple took this as a sign.

The business partners adopted two from the same litter – one each – and named them Winni and Major, after their nearby lake and mountain.

Having collected their puppy, Major, Cori, and her husband wanted to plan a surprise for Reagan, an only child with a close relationship with her “furry brother,” Teddy.

Just a few days before Christmas, on December 19, Reagan opened a gift revealing a soft toy of a Bernese Mountain Dog.


As she held the toy, Major walked in, causing Reagan’s jaw to drop in shock – the pair then shared a sweet first hug, with Major’s tail wagging in delight.

Cori recently shared a throwback clip of the surprise on social media where it has been viewed more than 40 million times.

She said: “We were able to hide Major overnight, and then I wrapped the stuffed animal, and Major came out perfectly on cue – we have been in love ever since.

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“My daughter Reagan is an only child and loves her furry brothers.


“Teddy has been staying busy with Major, and they get along beautifully.

“Major understood his assignment and came into the frame on cue and went right to Reagan to introduce himself.

“She was so genuinely surprised and appreciative.

“We were so excited for her and happy that we pulled off the surprise without her finding out before.”

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