Good NewsFamilyBig Brother Reacts To Meeting Rainbow Baby Sibling For First Time

Big Brother Reacts To Meeting Rainbow Baby Sibling For First Time

Exclusive to Happily

A big brother who was by his mom’s side through the loss of his baby sister burst into tears of happiness when meeting his newborn rainbow sibling for the first time.


The past two years had been extremely tough for the Stogner family from Bowdon, Georgia.

Having gone through an ectopic pregnancy in January 2023, Hannah Stogner, 28, then fell pregnant with her daughter, Emma, who was heartbreakingly stillborn in November 2023.

Hannah said going through stillbirth was indescribable, and over the following year, she was comforted by her boyfriend, Chaz, and their two children, Aiden, 10, and Ella, five.

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After Hannah fell pregnant again, doctors decided she would be induced a week earlier than she had lost Emma as a precaution.

Following the birth, Aiden and Ella headed into their mom’s room at Tanner Medical Center/Carrollton in Georgia on November 18, 2024.

Holding a teddy, “Emma Bear,” which they have attached to the memory of their sister, Aiden and Emma laid eyes on their baby brother, Evan.

The moment became too much for Aiden, who burst into tears of happiness before taking a moment to compose himself.


His reaction brought tears to Chaz’s eyes, too, with Hannah capturing her son’s sweet and mature reaction to the emotion of the moment on video.

Having witnessed her son’s emotional reaction, Hannah said she saw just how much losing his baby sister had impacted Aiden, who had always been there to support his mom.

She added: “I didn’t know it hurt him that much losing his sister – it made me realize he is a lot more mature and older than I realized.

“I felt relief and happiness but also melancholy at the same time because we share that pain of losing Emma daily.

“I knew in that moment he was the best brother on the planet and will protect his siblings with all he has.


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“My family knows how sweet of a kid Aiden is, and we watch that video often.

“We are lucky to have someone who feels so deeply and loves so fiercely.

“We don’t realize how susceptible kids are to things that go on.

“I have had a lot more conversations with Aiden since seeing how much hurt and relief he had meeting his brother.


“I need to make sure he is just as ok as I am.”

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