
Happily Staff

We are a group of people passionate about telling positive, uplifting stories from communities across America and beyond. You can join our communities on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram to stay up to date with all our new stories. Every smile has a story.



Mother And Daughter Reunited After 52 Years Apart

This is the beautiful moment a mother and daughter were brought to tears as the met for the VERY FIRST TIME in their lives. 

Boy With Down Syndrome Surprised With Whacky Tubeman

This is the adorable moment a deaf boy with Down's syndrome was surprised with an inflatable tubeman that he had always wanted.

Mom Comes Up With Way of Keeping Baby Entertained by Recording Him Laughing and Playing It Back to Baby Creating Hilarious Loop of Adorable...

A mom came up with a sweet way of keeping her baby entertained - by recording him laughing and playing it back to him on video.

Raccoon With Brain Injury Has Custom Wheelchair To Walk Again

An injured raccoon was given a new lease of life when rehab specialists fitted her with her very own WHEELCHAIR to help with recovery.

Veteran Given Surprise Reunion With Sister Ahead of Wedding Day Having Not Seen Her in More Than 40 Years

This military veteran was given a huge surprise reunion ahead of his wedding day, as his wife secretly arranged for his sister to show up – more than 40 years after they last met in person.

Hospital Guard Of Honor For Marine Missing Graduation Due To Surgery

A Marine was given a guard of honor by medical staff after been hospitalized on the day of his boot camp graduation.

Parents Catch Deaf Daughter Adorably Trying to Teach Siblings Sign Language

This is the adorable moment a deaf three-year-old began teaching her 17-month-old siblings sign language.

Stunned Bride-to-be Shocked by Magic Trick Proposal in the Middle of Times Square – Including Her Face Appearing on the World-famous Billboards

This stunned bride-to-be couldn't believe her luck when her future husband enlisted the help of a magician to propose in Times Square.

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