Good NewsFunnyMom Uses Prank Pillow Of Face To Help Baby Sleep

Mom Uses Prank Pillow Of Face To Help Baby Sleep

Ingenious parenting hack goes viral after mom finds surprising way to comfort 10-week-old daughter.

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A mom has devised an ingenious hack to comfort her newborn baby who struggled to sleep without her nearby – placing a pillow of her face she’d previously bought as a prank next to the 10-week-old.


Emma Cruickshank’s daughter, Evie, constantly wanted to feel like her mom was near, which meant putting the 10-week-old to sleep took some time.

But, one day, Emma, 25, was trying to think of ways to comfort her daughter without her presence and remembered a prank gift she had bought her fiancé, Tylor, a few years earlier.

Emma Cruickshank taking a mirror selfie with her daughter, Evie, comfortably held in her arms, looking curiously at the camera.
Emma Cruickshank and her 10-week-old daughter Evie, who often struggled to settle without her mother nearby.
A pillow printed with Emma Cruickshank's smiling face tucked neatly into bed with blankets and decorative cushions, humorously positioned as if sleeping.
The prank pillow of Emma Cruickshank’s face originally bought as a joke gift, which turned out to be the perfect solution for helping her baby sleep.

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Emma once purchased a pillow of her face, which she and Tylor rediscovered when they moved house in 2024.


The pillow had been sitting on an armchair in a bedroom, and so one night when Evie was crying and taking a long time to settle, Emma placed the object next to her daughter.

Sure enough, Evie was comforted by the pillow of her mom’s face, and when the 10-week-old would usually start crying when her mom moved away, she instead fell asleep.

The moment took place on January 28, with Emma, from Essex, UK, later sharing a short, fun clip of her daughter sleeping next to the pillow on social media.

The clever hack soon went viral, with other moms even asking where they could purchase such a pillow to give Emma’s trick a try.


She said: “Evie constantly wanted to feel that I was near her and be able to see me or feel someone next to her.

“She would settle on her own, but it took quite a while.

“I bought the pillow for my fiancé, Tylor, a couple of years ago as a joke present.

Baby Evie sleeping peacefully next to a pillow printed with her mother's smiling face.
Baby Evie sleeps soundly next to a pillow featuring her mom Emma Cruickshank’s smiling face, helping her feel comforted and secure.

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“We moved house early in 2024 and I found the pillow whilst we were unboxing everything during the renovation.


“One night Evie was taking a lot longer to settle, and every time I moved away, she would wake up crying.

“I tried setting the pillow down next to her and she fell asleep very quickly after.

“I was surprised it worked and glad I could get on with some housework while she was comfy in bed and settled.

“I shared this on social media, as I thought it was funny that she felt comforted by the pillow that was originally just a joke present but turned out to be very handy for us.”

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