Good NewsHeartwarming GesturesYoung Boy Who Loves Seeing Recycling Truck Gives Workers A Gift Before...

Young Boy Who Loves Seeing Recycling Truck Gives Workers A Gift Before Receiving Pretend ‘Hug’ From Claw

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A young boy who loves seeing his neighborhood recycling truck surprised workers with a gift before receiving a pretend hug from the truck’s claw.


Every Saturday, Emerson can’t wait to see the truck arrive outside his home in Las Vegas, Nevada, a fun activity that started when he was young.

He enjoys trying to work out how the giant claw works when loading the truck but is equally delighted when it offers a hug, waves at him or ‘claps’ enthusiastically.

Over the years, Emerson has struck up a friendship with the workers, so one weekend, he told his parents he wanted to gift the recycling truck drivers a snack and drink for their shift.

His mom, Jessica Mae Salvatera, recorded the sweet moment he presented the drivers with the cute package before the truck moved forward a few yards so the claw could offer a hug in return.

Emerson then waves off the drivers, who wave back at him as they continue their route.


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