Good NewsPetsNosey Dog Cleverly Teaches Itself to Open Owner’s Blinds so He Can...

Nosey Dog Cleverly Teaches Itself to Open Owner’s Blinds so He Can People-Watch Through the Window

Exclusive to Happily

A nosey dog who loves sitting in his owners’ window and people-watching has taken his viewing one step further by learning to open their blinds.


Clever three-and-a-half-year-old cockapoo Arthur always loved looking out of owner Hayley Coles’ window, as she and her partner live on a busy road.

Arthur loved one specific window so much that after the couple moved a sofa he used to sit on to look out, they were forced to make him a bay window seat because they felt so guilty.

A few months ago, though, Arthur took his people-watching skills to the next level, teaching himself to use his paw to open a gap in the couple’s Venetian blinds.

Hayley, 27, said he has continued to do this regularly, especially when he knows it’s time for her partner to return home from the gym, which Arthur remembers like clockwork.

Hayley, who is based in the Midlands in the United Kingdom, said: “This started happening a few months ago and every single time we chuckle.


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“He’s actually learned how to move the shutters to be in his direct eye line, so he gets a good view outside.

“My family and friends love Arthur. He’s lovable and cuddly, a cheeky monkey, and very intelligent.

“I’m always sending my family videos and photos of what he’s up to, as he’s such a character.


“I hope the video makes people smile.”

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