Home Good News Mickey Mouse Helps Military Dad Surprise Kids With Homecoming

Mickey Mouse Helps Military Dad Surprise Kids With Homecoming

Mickey Mouse Helps Military Dad Surprise Kids With Homecoming

A marine recruited Mickey Mouse to help surprise his kids after returning home from deployment.


Anthony Bota had been serving oversees in Japan for 10 months, and the Botas’ last moments together as a family before the marine went abroad happened to be in Disney World, Florida.

As part of the surprise, Anthony and wife Tiffany planned to take Elijah, 5, and Genesis, 8, to the Magic Kingdom, with the children’s grandparents chaperoning them to the park.

The initial plan was for Anthony and Tiffany, who have been together since eighth grade, to surprise the kids in front of Cinderalla’s Castle, but after staff noticed Anthony’s blue marine uniform, they immediately asked what he was there for and worked their magic.

Tiffany and Anthony were instead brought to the presidential suite, where they waited with Mickey until the children and grandparents could be located in the park.


READ MORE: Soldier Returns From Deployment And Surprises Daughter In School Mascot Costume

Then, when Elijah and Genesis were brought into the room, a meet-and-greet session took place with Mickey, who posed for photos.

The kids were then encouraged to cover their eyes while Mickey performed a magic trick, and, with Anthony extremely nervous and Tiffany holding back tears, the couple emerged.

After counting to three, the kids open their eyes and jaws drop in shock, before yelling ‘daddy’ and running into Anthony’s arms who scoops them up for a hug.


Story courtesy of T&T Creative Media

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