Good NewsGirl With Cerebral Palsy Who Was Told She Would Never Walk Again...

Girl With Cerebral Palsy Who Was Told She Would Never Walk Again By Doctors Now Goes On Strolls With Great Grandmother With Identical Strollers

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A girl with Cerebral Palsy who was told she may never walk has defied the odds and now loves taking sweet strolls using a walker with her great grandmother who also uses a walking aid.


Colbie Durborow, from New Jersey, was born at 23-weeks’ gestation, weighing just 1lb 2oz.

Having been diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy in her legs, Colbie’s mom Amanda was told her daughter may never walk and was given a walker in November 2019.

She was then moved to the NICU for 153 days and suffered from a bilateral brain bleed before having six brain surgeries.

After this year’s lockdown was lifted, she found a partner who walked like her and encouraged Colbie to go on daily strolls – her 91-year-old great grandmother Eleanor she calls Ooo-Hoo.


Amanda filmed her walking with Ooo-Hoo one day in July and shared the clip on social media, with the video receiving an outpouring of support from across the U.S.

She said: “Seeing Colbie and my grandmother taking a walk together was a moment I will always remember.

RELATED: Man Told He May Never Walk Again Defies Odds To Walk Across Rehab Room To Propose

“When Colbie was born, we had ‘Colbie Strong’ bracelets made for the family and we all wore them until she came home from the NICU.


“My grandmother never took hers off though and still wears it every day.

“Colbie has a special place in her heart and seeing them walking – something doctors said Colbie might never do – was unforgettable.

“I hope the video brightens people’s day.

“I hope that NICU parents can see that there is no way to predict limitations, and I hope that our story gives hope and inspiration to those who are in similar situations.”

Story courtesy of T&T Creative Media


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