Good NewsFamilyGirl Surprised by Dad Who Moved to Different State for Work After...

Girl Surprised by Dad Who Moved to Different State for Work After More Than Two Years Apart

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A 12-year-old whose dad moved to a new state for work immediately burst into tears when he paid her a surprise visit after more than two years apart.

Kaydence Williams’ parents – Ashley Richardson, 39, and Davis Williams, 36 – from Trumann, Arkansas, are separated but share a good relationship, and in January 2022, Davis relocated out of State for work.


The role, Ashley said, had a probation period, which meant Davis wasn’t entitled to any vacation days until he was established in the company.

Davis and his daughter as a baby.
Davis and his daughter before he moved away.

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Over more than two years, it was difficult for Davis to get time away, Ashley added, but in September of this year, he reached out to Ashley to say he’d like to make one of his daughter’s volleyball games.

The previous few years had been tough for Kaydence, who had missed her father, so Ashley and Davis decided to make the 36-year-old’s visit a surprise for their daughter.


At Trumann Middle School, Kaydence was called by the school’s receptionist, and as she entered the office, she first caught a glance of her mom, who had her cell phone out.

As she turned to the side and saw her father, she immediately burst into tears and ran into Davis’ arms.

Ashley revealed the moment filled her with pride, as despite her and Davis’ separation, the pair came together as parents and put their daughter first.

She said: “We showed up at her school, told the receptionist what we were doing, and called her in.

The pair embrace for a long overdue hug.

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“At first, she only saw me and as soon as she looked over and saw her dad, she instantly ran to him.

“After the emotional moment, there was not a dry eye in that office.

“She came back with her backpack and a smile from ear to ear.

“Seeing my daughter’s face when she realized her dad was there, how she reacted with complete happiness and joy, really made me feel like her father and I did something right.

Happy families.

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“We came together as parents and put our daughter first.

“I will forever remember this beautiful moment and seeing my daughter cry from happiness just made my heart and soul smile.

“I hope that no matter your situation or circumstances, as a parent, your main concern is your children.

“Their happiness and well-being are our priority.


“I hope to shed light on the positive impact of a healthy and loving co-parenting relationship.”

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